Binaural Sensation

5 Benefits of Alpha Brain Waves

Alpha brain waves correspond to the neural activity that exists in the brain when the body is relaxed. As a result, this can turn on our creativity. Although these brain waves connect in synchronicity with both sides of the brain, they can be found specifically on the right side of the brain. Alpha brain waves have a frequency range of 9Hz to 13Hz. It was the first frequency in the brain to ever be discovered.

To further intensify the Alpha brain wave and get to that state, listening to binaural beats focusing on Alpha brain waves can greatly influence this result. Alpha binaural beat soundtracks are associated with focus, flow, and relaxation. When listening, you can achieve various areas of relaxation that will benefit other thoughts and actions. This can range from assisting with learning to boosting your creativity. However, there are a lot more positive results at play when it comes to listening to binaural beats.

What are Alpha brain waves and why are they good for you?

1. Improve Learning and Retain Information

When listening to binaural beats to increase your Alpha brain waves, you can discover that you are able to better remember and retain information. Being able to absorb a great amount of information aids in your ability to learn. This can be very beneficial for students or those who may need to learn something to assist in their career. This also helps to reduce the amount of effort it may take to learn more difficult things. The result of this comes from the fact both sides of your brain are communicating with each other correctly. Life is all about learning and developing. We would not be able to function well in a learning environment without the activity of Alpha brain waves. If you are struggling in an area with retaining information, listen to binaural beats to get yourself back to that level of learning. 

2. Boost Creativity


The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for solving problems. However, the right hemisphere of the brain contains the solution and needs to communicate with the left hemisphere to give results. If these two hemispheres are not communicating, you are not creatively coming up with solutions for any given situation. Listening to binaural beats will increase the activity of Alpha brain waves so that both hemispheres of the brain communicate more efficiently. This will result in a boost in creativity. Clearer thinking is best produced when you raise those Alpha brain waves through binaural beats. A lot of artists, singers, and writers that need to be creative for their career benefit greatly from this interaction. If you ever feel stuck mentally or feel a sort of brain fog occurring, you will experience better results by listening to binaural beats stimulating the Alpha brain waves.

3. Emotion Stability


Alpha brain waves are associated with serotonin release. Because serotonin usually decreases its levels when you are feeling depressed or stressed, it is good to reverse the effects of those emotions with binaural beats. When serotonin gets released, your emotions are positive and you are in a better state of mind. This is why Alpha binaural beats can put you in a relaxed state in which you feel less stress or anxiety. If you are also feeling any fears or tension, raising those Alpha brain waves can bring you back down to a calmer state emotionally.

4. Calm and Relaxation


Alpha brain waves can put you in a calm state of mind thanks to binaural beats. When increasing the levels of this Alpha brain activity, you are allowing yourself to relax and not get overly anxious. When Alpha brain waves are stimulated, your mind has found a balance. You are in the highest-level state of functioning that defers you from being overwhelmed. To better increase the benefits of calm and relaxation, lay in a quiet meditative spot when listening to the binaural beats. Your environment also has a great influence on you. The more comfortable you are while listening, the better you feel coming out of the listening experience. Some listeners even find it better to add more to the ambiance. This may include a fireplace, some burning incense or candles, and some comfortable blankets and pillows. Regardless of what you find comfortable, make sure you are creating that perfect environment.

5. Reduce Depression


Studies have shown the frequency sound of Alpha binaural beats can improve overall mood. Most importantly, it can help to reduce depression. The binaural beats have a way of tapping into our brain waves to shift our mind to a happier state. It has been used for a long time to reduce depression. Using binaural beats as a treatment to target patterns in the brain is one of the healthiest alternatives to fighting depression. Nowadays, it is becoming more widespread and popular. Being free and easy to access, listening to Alpha binaural beats can make a difference in a positive way leading you away from sadness. However, if the depression is too strong or persistent, you should consult a psychologist.



Alpha binaural beats are the most natural brain wave frequency in the mind. When you are in an Alpha state you will experience a large number of positive benefits. Being able to tap into your mind in such a way is an amazing thing. It can be a quick fix to help improve your overall mood, boost your activity, help you to learn, and put you into a calm relaxed state. The best part is binaural beats can be listened to by anyone that wants to experience the benefits. Next time you need a good pick up in your mood, put on some headphones, get comfortable, relax, and listen. You will be surprised and impressed by the benefits you receive.


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Binaural beats are subtle pulse sounds as both ears are hearing two different audio tones at different frequencies and create a perception of hearing one single new frequency tone. A change in the brain’s level of arousal occurs when listening to these brain waves. Beta brain waves are the waking

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